Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ahhhh...eighth grade. I can honestly say i hope to look back at eighth grade and think,"Hell, that was the worst time of my life." I mean I have been having serious doubts as to if I have any friends at all. I don't really fit into any clique, I'm sort of a drifter. I realy think life is over rated as of now. I'm not some crazy suicidal sife-sucks-I'm-going-to-slash-my-wrists-and-overdose-on-cocaine- girl, but sometimes you kind of feel all alone. I have friends at like church (how nerdy does that sound?) Jeanelle is probably my best friend and she pretty much has a solution for everything. Whatever I'm going through I can bet she has gone through it and probably worse. The sad thing is she really closes herself up to any emotion what-so-ever because she is like, wounded for life. What the hell was her mom thinking running off when Jen was a kid and doing drugs. Jen Rtchie sort of has a reputation, shall we say, aroung St. Croix. It really makes me mad to see kids abandoned by their 'rents. My nephews and niece had the unfortune of growing up with fetal alcohal syndrom and it's wrong. Hey why do guys like to play games? And i'm not talking about soccer/baseball/football. I mean they talk to you for 2 hours and they do uhhh...'STUFF" with you and they don't call. Jerks....all of them....no not all of them. Just like 99.9999% And a paticular person who I am not going to mention their name....especially a jerk. Hey why does everyone think I'm a whore?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm Really pumped for soccer. I know it probably gets super annoying 'cuz all I talk about is soccer. I don't know what it is aout that wonderful sport. I hope everyone had a wonderful, lovley holiday and I hope Santa was good to you guys. He sort of forgot me. Actually things were "a little tight" and we couldn't get presents, which sort of sucked because I am a selfish, greedy child. Other than that I had the best Christmas in the world. We did that play The Carol and Lauren and I commited a heck of alot of time doing that. It was so fun though. We met so many cool people and learned so much stuff, stuff that we will probably never need to know like if you dip your hand in 77% rubbig alcohal and light it on fire it will burn, but not your skin. It's very cool.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Talk with Dad

A Talk with Daddy

Bridgette: “So…Dad…why did you leave me?”

Scott: “Well, that’s a very hard question to answer…I guess I just didn’t need the responsibility. Didn’t need another child, I guess. Oh yeah, now I remember! I don’t love you.”

Bridgette: “Well I figured that, seeing that I’m 13 almost 14 and this is the first time we have ever met.”

Scott: “Okay well, that’s good, when I left you, I had no intention of ever coming back. You and your mother mean absolutely nothing to me. One of the worst days of my life was when I found out she was pregnant. You meant I’d have to pay 18 more years of child support. Luckily for me, your mother let me sign off all rights to you.”

Bridgette: “Yeah, she was trying to protect me, you being a criminal and all.”

Scott: “How did you know about that?”

Bridgette: “The internet is a wonderful place…. With a click of a button you can check someone’s permanent record. You’ve done a lot of time. I honestly didn’t know you would be dumb enough to try to beat up an officer.”

Scott: “That wasn’t the worst mistake of my life, you were.”

Bridgette: “Shut up! Shut up! I hate you! I hate you for what you did to me! I hate you for wanting an abortion! I hate myself for wanting to meet you1”

Scott: ”Honestly I don’t have time for your drama. Good-bye Brittany”

Bridgette: “It’s Bridgette, DAD!

Scott: Don’t call me that. It doesn’t matter. Have a nice life.”

First day of school

Bridgette Bayle
Mr. Wondra
Language 8
September 26, 2006

1. I have a lot of emotions on the first day of school. In a sense, I am scared. Scared to mess up, scared to embarrass my self, and scared to not be accepted. Also I am exited to see everyone that I haven’t seen all summer. But I’m also pretty sad to see all the fun of summer fade into fall. I get frusterated easily on the first day, especially by other people. What bugs me more than homework on the first day is the people who want to be noticed and popular so bad, they are going to sacrifice their real friends to hang with the “cool” people.

2. I have set a lot of goals for myself this school year. I will try to push myself and not settle for so-so work. Also I will keep my locker, binders and notebooks organized. I have issues with respecting authorities, so I’m going to work on that this year. I think that will be my number one priority because all throughout life im going to have to respect and listen to authorities.

Bridgette Bayle
Mr. Wondra
Language 8
September 26, 2006

1. I have a lot of emotions on the first day of school. In a sense, I am scared. Scared to mess up, scared to embarrass my self, and scared to not be accepted. Also I am exited to see everyone that I haven’t seen all summer. But I’m also pretty sad to see all the fun of summer fade into fall. I get frusterated easily on the first day, especially by other people. What bugs me more than homework on the first day is the people who want to be noticed and popular so bad, they are going to sacrifice their real friends to hang with the “cool” people.

2. I have set a lot of goals for myself this school year. I will try to push myself and not settle for so-so work. Also I will keep my locker, binders and notebooks organized. I have issues with respecting authorities, so I’m going to work on that this year. I think that will be my number one priority because all throughout life im going to have to respect and listen to authorities.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Clean Slate

Bridgette Bayle
Mr. Wondra
Language 8
September 8, 2006

Clean Slate
Every morning when we wake up we are confronted with a choice: another day just like the last or a clean slate to start all over. Mark Sanborn
You can change your life for the better every day or you can keep living the same old way. It means to me to try and improve your life. If you keep doing the same thing and you don’t like it, don’t be afraid to try something better. It may improve your life. Pick the good choices, not the bad.

For example don’t think about insignificant things like who is going out with whom, but things that really matter, like studying for the math test or getting help on your social studies homework. That is what’s going to count. You’re not going to need to know all the gossip from 8th grade, but you are going to need things you learned.

Feelings of regret are so you don’t continue to make the same mistake. If you have a deep, sincere regret, you are not going to go out and screw up again. It’s time to let go of your regrets when you have done all you can do to correct the mistakes. Like two years ago I made fun of someone on the bus. I didn’t get in trouble, but I felt bad. I apologized to the person and I don’t make fun of people any more, I stick up for them instead.

Last year I was extremely unorganized and I lost all my assignments. I really regret that. I did all my work, but lost it in my locker. I used my Science notebook for Social Studies and brought my Math book to Language. I felt in a way my life was out of control and my grades were declining. Then one time in March, Mrs. Willow pulled me out of class to clean my locker. I cleaned my locker well, and the rest of the year I kept it organized. My grades started to rise because I handed in the right assignments. I learned last year if you take a little extra time here and there, it pays off later. It’s hard to break old habits but if you learn new good ones, they will be as hard to break.